Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back on the Track!

I have been slow, ever so slow in getting back into things since the marathon. I always forget that it's hard to get back into the swing of things sometimes after the big day. Sarah has the NYC marathon to run for, but I slowly realized I had to take a break from 26.2 to focus on some other thing. Oh my excuses, they are aplenty! But, but! This week looks good so far! Monday I ran 5 miles, today I did a track workout with Sarah (she kicked butt!) and I realized although I am slightly out of shape, I'm not that bad. I am also going to sign up for the US Half Marathon in SF in Nov, the same day as Sarah's Marathon so I can still run some of her long runs with her.

Friday is a 5 mile run and on Saturday I will do 7 - Sarah's last 7 miles of her 19 mile run!

PS I did 4 800's and a 400.

PSS Here's a pic from where I am getting married next July!

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