Saturday, May 8, 2010

First weekend after a marathon - now what?

Woke up this morning without a plan - a running plan that is. This is the first weekend after the marathon, the first weekend in a very long time that I don't have a long run planned with Sarah or anyone. I woke up feeling a bit lost and tried to come up with a plan.

My favorite Saturday long run substitute is for some crazy reason, heading to the farmers market. Most Farmer's Markets take place on Saturday mornings when I'm usually out running. My favorites are the Oakland and the Mountain View farmer's markets. But now that I live back in San Francisco, I really haven't been going. The Ferry Building Farmer's Market is beautiful but crowded and overpriced so I decided to go to the Filmore Farmer's Market - they had cherries! They had cheese with sage! I spent about $40 mostly on the cheese, fruit, one or two veggies and salmon for Dan. Of course I saw lots of runners about and about and felt like a slacker. I think I'm going to head out for a run a little bit later with Dan, but for now, I'm going to go snack on some sage cheddar.

I was reading through my blog and saw my New Year's resolutions (running ones that is). And it looks like I've achieved two of them so far! I pr'ed in a 1/2 and a full marathon! Still haven't added any weight training to my workout schedule yet but I think I must this week. I'm down to less than two months before my wedding and I have a few pounds I want to shed. Sarah and I are going to do the sit up challenge and I want to get back into doing the 30 Day Shred. I'll give a report in a few days - hopefully I'll be inspired to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sage cheddar sounds delish!!
