Monday, June 22, 2009

Feeling a little woozy post run

I didn't mention in my last post how woozy I felt after the 20 mile run on Saturday. Maybe I was too woozy to think about it. We went for lunch after and I felt like I may pass out. I'm not sure if I didn't drink enough water, eat enough food, if I was overheated, pushed to hard or what, but I felt out of it. After I ate I felt a bit better and that night I was just tired. On Sunday I woke up starving, and then I just felt fatigued all day. At around 4 I broke down and called to schedule a massage. I just couldn't hold out. I went to the Imperial Spa and got the most hardcore deep tissue massage that included 30 minutes of the masseuse walking on my back and legs. I probably should have told her to focus more on my legs, but she mostly discovered the knots in my back and put all of her energy there. I was trying hard to breathe through it all and didn't even realize we were almost done before she got to get to my legs. She did walk on them and in the end she did massage my calves. It was very intense. I would be more lighthearted and joke about it but my back hurts just typing this. At one point I did start to feel like myself again.

I am heading on vacation at the end of this week and this is a "cut back" week so hopefully I can continue to take care of myself (no more deep tissue massages for a while though) until the next (and last!) 20 mile run the following weekend.

This week includes today's (much later today) 50 minute easy run, a 100 minute medium run, a 15 mile with hills long run, and a 70 minute tempo.

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