Friday, September 25, 2009

Ran through the Summer, and now it's Fall

The past week and a half have been going well, running wise. I've managed to bring my running back to 4 times a week. It's a bit harder in the fall as the light sky appears later in the morning and sneaks out early at night - I'm also finding it harder to get out of bed even thought it hasn't gotten all that colder. I think this is mostly because it's been very foggy and misty most mornings.

Tomorrow I am running my first over 10 miler since July - 12.5 miles with 4 miles at half marathon pace. My pace has been back to a snails pace lately, so maybe this will snap be out of it. In fact, I'm not really feeling like I'm going to set a new PR, but I will set my sights on it...

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