Thursday, April 15, 2010

Starting the taper craziness

I haven't been as good with updating this lately as I have been with other marathon training. Hopefully that means I'm spending more time running and less writing, but I also think that wedding planning, working and commuting also has something to do with it.

I did get back from the east coast and finish all of my workouts and miles last week, finishing with a great 22 on the Iron Horse Trail with Sarah on the weekend with two 4 mile intervals of pace thrown in! That felt good. I was on a runner's high and spent too much money on wedding shoes after. Lesson - never go shopping on a runner's high!

This week start the taper - but we aren't taking it too lightly. We had a 8 mile run, 6 mile run, track workout and a tempo ending with 12 miles this weekend (that's the nice part). I read a little bit of the taper chaper in Hal Higdon's book to refresh myself. I was reminded that I should still work hard on the speed workouts and only take the miles down a notch. Next week it's easier and the week after will be very easy on the running.

I am excited for the marathon. I intend on working hard to get a PR (hopefully) and just do my best. Then I may take a break from marathons for a little while. We'll see :)


Sarah Woulfin said...
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Sarah Woulfin said...

Wait, were we EVER sane??