Monday, March 29, 2010

Towards the end of training, training report

Big mileage weeks are starting to seem like the norm (Sarah, don't go thinking you can add more miles to next week :) and that's a good thing since there is one more before the taper begins. My routine has been - get up way before the crack of dawn, run 12-14 miles (depending on the day) and go to work. That just happens twice a week. Other days we just run an easy 7 or 8 unless there is a pace or track workout. I'm feeling like I'm in the sweet spot of the training where it seems pretty easy and I'm feeling in pretty good shape. I wish this lasted longer. Pretty soon we will start our taper and feel like out of shape slackers.

On Saturday I celebrated my 36th birthday with a 20 mile pace run with Sarah in Golden Gate Park (a new workout that Sarah made up I think. You do 3 miles easy, 3 miles pace three times with a 2 mile cool down).  She said to think of it as a 3 course meal and had a goal to run each pace segment faster than the last. I stayed slightly faster than my zone most of the time and felt pretty good - the last few pace miles I really felt like I was working, but it strangely made my legs feel good. Go figure. It was a nice birthday run. After, I hopped on a plane to NYC, where I am writing this.

This week is a lower mileage week before we ramp it up next week one more time.

Two other big developments!

I got an iphone and now I can easily take pics from the road!

I got a running skirt! I guess I can't make fun of them anymore!

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