Thursday, June 18, 2009

I love running in circles

I don't know what it is, but I must say again, I love track workouts. Maybe because they are the opposite of a long run in many ways, or maybe it's the rush I get when I return around the bend. I love the feel of the track, the people at the track, looking at the bleachers, etc etc you get the point. I had such a high from it yesterday that I was slightly manic at work - I think I need to go take a yoga class and chill out.

We did what Sarah called (and what I should look up but am too lazy) a "ladder workout." We did a 400 (one lap), 800 (two laps), a 1200 (three laps) and then 800, then 400. I stuck within my target times for each, which I always struggle to do. I wrote all of my time goals on my hands because I would never remember. What I think helped is that I wrote what my per mile pace should be at best and even though I was a bit slower, I was still in target. What I've been thinking about a lot during this marathon training is that I am moving from a beginner runner to intermediate. I compare this in my head to snowboarding - when you move from blues to black diamonds you fall down a lot more and have aches and pains, but the rewards are spectacular views and faster rushes down the mountain. Even though I am tired, my shins hurt etc, I know all of these workouts will hopefully bring me to the next level. I'll let you know on July 26th how it goes :)

1 comment:

Sarah Woulfin said...

Except thank goodness (!!) marathons don't have chair lifts :>