Friday, May 29, 2009

Hissing geese must be good luck

Fog, fog everywhere. I thought I'd head down closer to work and go running on the baylands trail behind Shoreline to escape the fog, but it swallowed the bay area whole. The geese were a bit sleepy until I came running by. I tried to be quiet ish so they wouldn't hiss, but they couldn't resist. There's something frightening about it.

I ran a 60 minute medium run on a flat trail - well I intended to until I saw that halfway through I could run a bit longer and reach 3 miles each way so it ended up being a 63 minute run with the last few minutes in a cool down. I followed that coach's advice and tried not working so hard. My legs took over and my pace got better. I'm hoping I didn't overdo it for tomorrow's 17 mile run, but I think I did ok. I am hoping these medium runs will get me in shape for kicking the next marathon's butt.

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