Thursday, December 3, 2009

7 months till I get married, 5 months till my next marathon

I got three emails from wedding planning sites trying to freak me out about my wedding - my favorite is: "7 months to go - book your florist now or forever hold your peace!" Way scary. I'm wondering what running websites would send: "5 months until the marathon - get off the couch!" But I don't think they do that. It's funny to have two big events that seem way off in the future but right around the corner at the same time. I'm "training" for both by getting in shape, deep breathing, concentrating on one thing at a time.

And no, I didn't run on Monday to get my 100 miles for November. I went home and relaxed and ate cookies with Dan. I did get two runs in this week already, so I'm on schedule. I'm running with Sarah on Saturday in Oakland and we are going dress shopping. Fun times. I'm wondering how I fit a full time job into my wedding and marathon training?

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