Friday, July 24, 2009

I’m just going to go out there and have a really lovely time

I woke up at 4 am - perhaps I am trying to get used to waking up at that hour so on Sunday it will seem like a breeze? No, it's just nerves. I've been going over the run over and over in my head. Last night I started reading a marathon training book that I just bought (somehow thought I needed another one) and was reminded that even shaving off 10 minutes from a PR is a big deal and here I am trying to shave off 30! Crazy? Ambitious? I don't know. So I decided to not worry about it. I've run 5 marathons and they've all been around 5 hours, but so what? It's always a challenge to just finish them and I still always go back for more. Isn't that enough? Then I remembered all of the training I've been doing, how I've been running 5 times a week, tempo runs, hill workouts, track workouts, etc etc and maybe it will just give me the push I need to somehow do better. So now I'm just forgetting about all of it and going to do my best. F the PR - I'll see how I do and just try and push harder at the end with whatever I have. Now I just have to REST and eat and drink right, hope the nerves go away. I'm just going to channel Katie Holmes who last night apparently sang and danced on So you think you can dance. When interviewed about getting the job, she was asked "Are you not terrified? Are you not scared out of your mind?" she said "I’m just going to go out there and have a really lovely time." I think that sounds lovely. Of course, dancing and singing to a Judy Garland song is probably one of the furthest things from running a marathon, but oh wells. They both require a certain amount of grace and guts.

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