Monday, July 20, 2009

Week of the 2009 San Francisco Marathon!

This time next week I'll be stumbling drunk up and down the stairs, not from booze but from post marathon side affects. Bring it on!

Sarah found a great website that allows you to plug your goal time to create a pace band. You can select the time of start you want (slow, slow/med) and it calculates what you need to do at each mile. Basically it has you starting slow for a few miles, running a little faster than your goal for most of the middle of the run, and then slower at the end giving you a cushion in case you slow down. I think it will help assure us in the beginning that it's ok to start slow.

This week we are running a 35 minute easy run, 3 400's at the track during a 45 minute easy run, and a 30 minute jog on Friday.

1 comment:

René said...

Good luck on the marathon!!! I tried to do the mile pacing thing when I ran this last year, but soon realized that the hills threw that plan out the window. Next time I would join a pace group.