Thursday, June 11, 2009

A short race is a different kind of drug

Sarah scheduled a 4 1/2 mile race into our training plan for the SF Marathon. I've always seen this recommended in training plans, but it somehow always seemed like crazy talk to me. The race Sarah found is the Summer Evening Race Series at Lake Merced 4.5M loop which only costs $1. This is the shortest race I've done - in fact, it's the first thing I've ever called a race. Marathons are not really races, at least according to my legs. We got a bit intimidated by all of the serious runners there that seemed to know each other but it went really well. I ran faster than I thought I could and got such a rush out of it. I think I want to run shorter races more often.

Now I am still on my high and am thinking of signing up to do the New York Marathon for charity. I should probably do so while I'm in my post running stupor.

ps. Lake Merced is a 4 1/2 mile paved loop and is so pretty.

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